From under a rock…
Oddity is multidisciplinary production company focusing on Ideas, Design, Directing and Production.

From under a rock…

Posted on 2nd March, by Oddity in Logbook, Update. 1 Comment

Hello dear guest

My name is Mathias Erixon and I am the proprietor and chieftain creative here at Oddity.

In this blog section called “Oddities” I will emerge from under the proverbial rock embodied by the earlier incarnations of this website.  Thus I will try to add more of  a personal voice into the mix that was previously not especially present.

So help me keep my word by engaging in dialog. Lets see how it turns out. Anyway there is presently  a Version 0.1  air over this “new” site and things will surely evolve.

As the look and feel of the old site still proclaim a soft spot in my heart, I will (for the time being ) keep it accessible through the address

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From the Blog

Utterances of late

BearTrap Fragment #3 – The new down

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