Oddity is multidisciplinary production company focusing on Ideas, Design, Directing and Production.

Tag: champagne

Guldägget 2012 Graphics

Posted by Oddity in motion. No Comments

24th May

Motion Graphics for Guldägget (the Golden Egg) which is Sweden’s oldest and largest advertisement competition, celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2011. Mathias of Oddity helped out Mediastation in the daunting task of making the Motion Graphic films presenting the Nominations, the Winners and also miscellaneous other graphics. 
With 17 different categories of awards and up to 14  nominees  in each category the number of elements in the compositions really stacked up :-)  The clip above (by MediaStation) is taken out of it’s context, what they really are cheering for is the excellent Motion Graphics…but then again, maybe not. Client: MediaStation
Endclient:  Sveriges Kommunikationsbyråer…

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