Oddity is multidisciplinary production company focusing on Ideas, Design, Directing and Production.

Category: motion

Life – Kolmården Dolphinarium Show

Posted by Oddity in motion. No Comments

14th June

SSS Oddity helped Grafala make the 25+ minutes of 3d and 2d animated ride/setpiece film for huge screen projection as part of the Dolphinarium experience named “Life” at Kolmården Zoo and Dolphinarium. Oddity was involved in Design and Concept; R&D (Dynamic, growing palm covered tropical islands et.c), 3d animation and compositing. I´ll post more images soon.   Link to Kolmården site (In Swedish) Google Translate link

Opening ceremony – Friends Arena

Posted by Oddity in motion. No Comments

13th November

Oddity helped Grafala with some of the many projections during the one and a half hour show. If you threw a rock in any direction during this once in a lifetime show there was a very real chance of hitting a celebrity or star in the head. I therefore eventually stopped throwing them.…

Guldägget 2012 Graphics

Posted by Oddity in motion. No Comments

24th May

Motion Graphics for Guldägget (the Golden Egg) which is Sweden’s oldest and largest advertisement competition, celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2011. Mathias of Oddity helped out Mediastation in the daunting task of making the Motion Graphic films presenting the Nominations, the Winners and also miscellaneous other graphics. 
With 17 different categories of awards and up to 14  nominees  in each category the number of elements in the compositions really stacked up :-)  The clip above (by MediaStation) is taken out of it’s context, what they really are cheering for is the excellent Motion Graphics…but then again, maybe not. Client: MediaStation
Endclient:  Sveriges Kommunikationsbyråer…

Suntopia 2012

Posted by Oddity in motion. No Comments

22nd May

A couple of animated scenographic pieces were produced for a large stage show at the Suntopia Hotels in Turkey. This time Gangsters and Casinos were the themes. There is nothing wrong with your current viewing device, the images were projected onto an oval screen. Wait a minute..that does not really guarantee that your device is not faulty in some way. My bad. Stay alert. Client: Grafala…

Oddity.Tunguska.se Site

Posted by Oddity in motion, Webdevelopment. No Comments

21st May

Check out the collaboration website of Oddity and Tunguska – oddity.tunguska.se     Built with php, html5 and css3 using popcorn.js for some features. (Popcorn is basically a toolset for syncing stuff on your site with a video using javascript )  The design is inspired but the concept of the sketch, the unfinished rough idea put onto paper; often beautiful in it’s own way. A type of aesthetic we like.  The site is only in Swedish at the moment, but try google-translate, although I  haven’t tried it myself. The video is just a exercise in website case-studies. It´s basically some browsing, showing off features and design.   It might be a tad to long and boring ;-) Feel free to use the video timeline scrollbar in a rough manner :-)…

Sunrise Intro – Eric Saade

Posted by Oddity in motion. No Comments

10th May

This is a  short intro for the stage show of Swedish music artist Eric Saade. Basically it´s just a sunrise :-) Not that much action in the animations department but it turned out quite cozy.  Video soon.   Client:Grafala…

80-tals show – Fritidsresor

Posted by Oddity in motion. No Comments

10th May

This is a intro for a 80s flavored music show put up on various charter destinations by Swedish travel agency “Fritidsresor”. Video soon. 


Fotografiska Event Hall

Posted by Oddity in motion. No Comments

10th May

Mathias Erixon made some of the scenes in this opening film demonstrating the audiovisual capacities of the new Watchout -equipped event hall at Fotografiska , a large photography museum in Stockholm.  It was shown to a bunch of Event agencies and also during the opening of the new Anton Corbijn exhibition.  The  Master himself attended the event as well.   Client: MediaStation
Endclient: Fotografiska…

Robot Heart Stories

Posted by Oddity in motion. No Comments

10th May

Mathias Erixon at Oddity produced a bunch of illustrations and 3d content for this Transmedia project as well as partook in general project brainstorms. Robot Heart stories was initiated by Lance Weiler, a award winning storytelling visionary, independent filmmaker and experience designer and creative producer Janine Saunders.  Many people from around the world helped make Robot Heart Stories a reality.One of the cool thing about the project was that that some of the user created content actually will be sent up in to space. The plush hero robot of the story also got to ride into the upper atmosphere with the help of a comfy weather balloon.  This was the original pitch from the main site :…

Svansjön (Swan lake)

Posted by Oddity in motion. No Comments

9th May

Oddity animated hoards of cockroaches in 2d and 3d to respond to the moves of the live dancers of the show. Particle & Dynamic simulations were used to make the critters fall off in a realistic way.
 The show in question is the brainchild of  former “Bounce” member Fredrik ”Benke” Rydmans. This is his version of the famous Swan Lake ballet. This time with a lot of new modern music and variations of street dance. The insects were ordered to go by production company Grafala whom was in charge of all other animation and graphics for the show. Some kind of video representation will be put here soon. Client: Grafala
Endclient: Blixten & Co…

Grant Thornton

Posted by Oddity in motion. No Comments

8th May

This project was among the last to be produced by notorious FilmTecknarna before they stopped to exist as a production company. On this project Oddity made several scenes/environments in “2.5D” using After Effects. 2.5D can be explained as 3d made only with flat planes. These planes are often derived from a single original photograph which is cut up and un-distorted. Client: Filmtecknarna Endclient: Grant Thornton Director: Jonas Odell…

Electrolux Event

Posted by Oddity in motion. No Comments

8th May

These images are taken from several different films that Oddity made for MediaStation and the endclient Electrolux to be used in a retailer conference.…

freephoo – Three films

Posted by Oddity in motion. No Comments

8th May

Three different films were made for freephoo, a VoIP telephone app for iPad, iPhone and Android. The films are telling us how the service works, how to use the app and film #3 introduces freephoo for iPhone.   Update: The app recently changed to a new design does now listen to the brandname “Plingm” Anyways…on a related note you haven’t missed “There’s an app for that” right?…

Space – Nutmeg

Posted by Oddity in motion, Music video. No Comments

3rd April

NOTE: This video is currently offline awaiting a re-release of the record on a major label. This is the Nutmeg video “Space”. No aliens were hurt (at least physically) in the making of this video. Filmed on the Canon 5D Mark II and also on the 7D for the slow-motion sequences.…

Hunt for the Heart, the Endless

Posted by Oddity in motion. No Comments

18th March

We follow in the footsteps of a woman on her hunt for “the heart”. The video was made with 2d and 3d animation, video footage and illustration.The green screen material was shot in LA and the animation and compositing was done in Stockholm, Sweden. “Hunt For The Heart” is from the album “Somniloquy” by the Endless, a husband-and-wife dream pop duo from Los Angeles, CA. 
Find CDs and MP3 downloads at their official site, CDBaby, and iTunes. theendlessband.com Directed by Mathias Erixon.
Production company: Oddity…

Nutmeg – Ohohooh

Posted by Oddity in motion, Music video. No Comments

17th March

Using 3D animation, illustration and stop motion, the video portraits a wild werewolf hunt, an amphibious minivan and the edge of the world. Nutmeg is an indie rock band from the northern parts of Sweden and Finland. In the first few days about 30000 people saw it, within about a week 60000 saw it, now over to 86000 have seen the Ohohooh video. It was also featured on the YouTubes own startpage. Many thanks to Caroline and RadarMusicVideos. Shown at:
● Portable Festival i Melbourne, Australia, Online Festival
● IMVF 2009 Indie music video festival in Vancouver, Montreal, Calgary, Victoria, St. Cathrines, Toronto, Los Angeles, Austin, Oxford, London, Edinburgh.
● X9 Anime & ShortFilms, Sweden
● BUFF – Boston underground Film Festival 2011 Oddity Webpage: oddity.se…

Circus Zlatan

Posted by Oddity in motion. No Comments

16th March

An animated title sequence for the documentary “Rene möter Circus Zlatan” on Swedish TV. A interview with swedish footballer Zlatan Ibrahimovic. Designed and animated by Mathias Erixon, Oddity Productions. Produced with Thelma/Louise. Sound and Online by T&L…

Convoj – My Timekeeping Heart

Posted by Oddity in motion, Music video. No Comments

11th March

An urban music video for the band Convoj from Gothenborg, Sweden. The members of the band are projected onto buildings and such in Stockholm, New York och Berlin. The video uses a mix of video, photography and computer animation.…

From the Blog

Utterances of late

BearTrap Fragment #3 – The new down

Running down the inner surface of the cylinder that was the engineering deck of the Sceptic, his mind raced.

BearTrap Fragment #2 – Childhood Memories

Through the large hyperdiamond windows of the cargobay door  he can see the large surface of Gandymede capitalize his...

BearTrap Fragment #1 – Orbital Sundown

At orbital sundown Kody entered the mess hall. He felt that something had changed. Something small. He could not...