Robot Heart Stories
Oddity is multidisciplinary production company focusing on Ideas, Design, Directing and Production.

Robot Heart Stories

Posted on 10th May, by Oddity in motion. No Comments

Mathias Erixon at Oddity produced a bunch of illustrations and 3d content for this Transmedia project as well as partook in general project brainstorms.

Robot Heart stories was initiated by Lance Weiler, a award winning storytelling visionary, independent filmmaker and experience designer and creative producer Janine Saunders.  Many people from around the world helped make Robot Heart Stories a reality.

One of the cool thing about the project was that that some of the user created content actually will be sent up in to space. The plush hero robot of the story also got to ride into the upper atmosphere with the help of a comfy weather balloon.

 This was the original pitch from the main site :

“This October, a “robot” will crash land in Montreal and will have to travel to Los Angeles in order to return to her planet. Two classrooms, one in Montreal and one in L.A. , will work together, using creative writing, science, math, geography and collaborative problem solving to help the lost Robot find her way home. Their imaginations will determine the Robot’s journey.”
”Site” Robot Heart Stories

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